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or dues, of every description, (without deduction), of all banks now existing, or hereafter created, and of all bankers, so that all property employed in banking, shall always bear a burden of taxation, equal to that imposed on the property of individuals.

Sec. 4. The General Assembly shall provide for raising revenue, sufficient to defray the expenses of the state, for each year, and also a sufficient sum to pay the interest on the state debt.

Sec. 5. No tax shall be levied, except in pursuance of law; and every law imposing a tax, shall state, distinctly, the object of the same, to which only, it shall be applied.

Sec. 6. Except as otherwise provided in this constitution the state shall never contract any debt for purposes of internal improvement. (Adopted Sept. 3, 1912.)

Sec. 7. Laws may be passed providing for the taxation of the right to receive, or to succeed to, estates, and such taxation may be uniform or it may be so graduated as to tax at a higher rate the right to receive, or to succeed to, estates of larger value than to estates of smaller value. Such tax may also be levied at different rates upon collateral and direct inheritances, and a portion of each estate not exceeding twenty thousand dollars may be exempt from such taxation. (Adopted Sept. 3, 1912.)

Sec. 8. Laws may be passed providing for the taxation of incomes, and such taxation may be either uniform or graduated, and may be applied to such incomes as may be designated by law; but a part of each annual income not exceeding three thousand dollars may be exempt from such taxation. (Adopted Sept. 3, 1912.)

Sec. 9. Not less than fifty per centum of the income and inheritance taxes that may be collected by the state shall be returned to the city, village or township in which said income and inheritance tax originate. (Adopted Sept. 3, 1912.)

Sec. 10. Laws may be passed providing for exercise and franchise taxes and for the imposition of taxes upon the production of coal, oil, gas and other minerals. (Adopted Sept. 3, 1912.)

Sec. 11. No bonded indebtedness of the state, or any political subdivisions thereof, shall be incurred or renewed, unless, in the legislation under which such indebtedness is incurred or renewed, provision is made for levying and collecting annually by taxation an amount sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds, and to provide a sinking fund for their final redemption at maturity. (Adopted Sept. 3, 1912.)

Article XIII.


Sec. 1. The General Aseembly shall pass no special act conferring corporate powers.

Sec. 2. Corporations may be formed under general laws; but all such laws may, from time to time, be altered or repealed. Corporations may be classified and there may be conferred upon proper boards, commissions or officers, such supervisory and regulatory powers over their organization, business and issue and sale of stocks and securities, and over the business and sale of the stocks and securities of foreign corporations and joint stock companies in this state, as may be prescribed by law. Laws may be passed regulating the sale and conveyance of