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for a convention, the general assembly shall, at their next session, provide, by law, for calling the same. Candidates for members of the constitutional convention shall be nominated by nominating petitions only and shall be voted for upon one independent and separate ballot without any emblem or party designation whatever. The convention shall consist of as many members as the house of representatives, who shall be chosen as provided by law, and shall meet within three months after their election, for the purpose, aforesaid. (Adopted, Sept. 3, 1912.)

Sec. 3. At the general election to be held in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two, and in each twentieth year thereafter, the question: "Shall there be a convention to revise, alter, or amend the constitution," shall be submitted to the electors of the state; and in case a majority of the electors, voting for and against the calling of a convention, shall decide in favor of a convention, the general assembly, at its next session, shall provide, by law, for the election of delegates, and the assembling of such convention, as is provided in the preceding section; but no amendment of this constitution, agreed upon by any convention assembled in pursuance of this article, shall take effect, until the same shall have been submitted to the electors of the state, and adopted by a majority of those voting thereon. (Adopted Sept. 3, 1912.)

Article XVII.

Sec. 1. Elections for state and county officers shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in the even numbered years; and all elections for all other elective officers shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in the odd numbered years.

Sec. 2. The term of office of the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, secretary of state and treasurer of state shalt be two years, and that of the auditor of state shall be four years. The term of office of the judges of the supreme court and circuit courts shall be such even number of years not less than six (6) years as may be prescribed by the General Assembly; that of the judges of the common pleas court six (6) years, and of the judges of the probate court, four (4) years, and that of other judges shall be such even number of years, not exceeding six (6) years as may be prescribed by the General Assembly. The term of office of justices of the peace, shall be such even number of years not exceeding four (4) years as may be prescribed by the General Assembly. The term of office of the members of the board of public works shall be such even number of years not exceeding six (6) years as may be so prescribed; and the term of office of all elective county, township, municipal and school officers shall be such even number of years not exceeding four (4) years as may be so prescribed.

And the General Assembly shall have power to so extend existing terms of office as to effect the purpose of section 1 of this article.

Any vacancy which shall occur in any elective state office other than that of a member of the General Assembly or of governor, shall be filled by appointment by the governor until the disability is removed or a successor elected and qualified. Every such vacancy shall be filled by election at the first general election for the office which is vacant, that occurs more than thirty (30) days after the vacancy shall have occurred. The person elected shall fill the office