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in office on the first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, shall continue in office with their present powers and duties, until the second Monday of February, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. No suit or proceeding pending in any of the courts of this state, shall be affected by the adoption of this constitution.

Sec. 5. The register and receiver of the land office, directors of the penitentiary, directors of the benevolent institutions of the state, the state librarian, and all other officers, not otherwise provided for in this constitution, in office on the first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, shall continue in office until their terms expire, respectively, unless the General Assembly shall otherwise provide.

Sec. 6. The superior and commercial courts of Cincinnati, and the superior court of Cleveland, shall remain, until otherwise provided by law, with their present powers and jurisdiction; and the judges and clerks of said courts, in office on the first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one shall continue in office, until the expiration of their terms of office, respectively, or, until otherwise provided by law; but neither of said courts shall continue after the second Monday of February, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three; and no suits shall be commenced in said two first mentioned courts, after the second Monday in February, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two; nor in said last mentioned court, after the second Monday in August, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two; and all business in either of said courts, not disposed of within the time limited for their continuance as aforesaid, shall be transferred to the court of common pleas.

Sec. 7. All county and township officers and justices of the peace, in office on the first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, shall continue in office until their terms expire, respectively.

Sec. 8. Vacancies in office, occurring after the first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, shall be filled, as is now prescribed by law, and until officers are elected or appointed, and qualified, under this constitution.

Sec. 9. This constitution shall take effect on the first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one.

Sec. 10. All officers shall continue in office, until their successors shall be chosen and qualified.

Sec. 11. Suits pending in the supreme court in bank, shall be transferred to the supreme court provided for in this constitution, and be proceeded in according to law.

Sec. 12. The district courts shall, in their respective counties, be the successors of the present supreme court; and all suits, prosecutions, judgments, records, and proceedings, pending and remaining in said supreme court, in the several counties of any district, shall be transferred to the respective district courts of such counties, and be proceeded in, as though no change had been made in said supreme court.

Sec. 13. The said courts of common pleas, shall be the successors of the present courts of common pleas in the several counties, except as to probate jurisdiction; and all suits, prosecutions, proceedings, records and judgments, pending or being in said last mentioned courts, except as aforesaid, shall be transferred