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The Act of Congress recognizing the State of Ohio as a member of the Union.

(February 19, 1803.)

An Act to Provide for the Due Execution of the Laws of the United States, Within the State of Ohio.

Whereas, The people of the eastern division of the territory northwest of the river Ohio, did, on the twenty-ninth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and two, form for themselves a constitution and state government, and did give to the said state the name of the "State of Ohio," in pursuance of an act of Congress, entitled "An act to enable the people of the Eastern division of the territory northwest of the river Ohio, to form a constitution and state government, and for admission of such state into the Union on an equal footing with the original states, and for other purposes," whereby the said state has become one of the United States of America; in order therefore to provide for the due execution of the laws of the United States within the said state of Ohio:

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all the laws of the United States which are not locally inapplicable, shall have the same force and effect within the said state of Ohio, as elsewhere within the United States.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said state shall be one district, and be called the Ohio district; and a district court shall be held therein, to consist of one judge, who shall reside in the said district, and be called a district judge. He shall hold at the seat of government or the said state,[1] three sessions annually, the first to commence on the first Monday in June next; and the two other sessions progressively on the like Monday of every fourth calendar month afterwards, and he shall in all things have and exercise the same jurisdiction and powers which are by law given to the judge of the Kentucky district: he shall appoint a clerk for the said district, who, shall reside and keep the records of the court at the place of holding the same, and shall receive for the services performed by him, the same fees to which the clerk of the Kentucky district is entitled for similar services.

Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That there shall be allowed to the judge of the said district court, the annual compensation of one thousand dollars, to commence from the date of his appointment, to be paid quarter-yearly at the treasury of the United States.

  1. By the act of March 26, 1810, the time for holding the district court in the district of Ohio, was changed from the terms and dates above given, to "the second Mondays of September and January annually."