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a like commission with like powers, jurisdiction and duties; provided, that the term of any such commission shall not exceed two years, nor shall it be created oftener than once in ten years. [As adopted October 12, 1875; 72 v. 269.]

Article V.

Elective Franchise.

Sec. 1. Every white male citizen of the United States, of the age of twenty-one years, who shall have been a resident of the state one year next preceding the election, and of the county, township, or ward, in which he resides, such time as may be provided by law, shall have the qualifications of an elector, and be entitled to vote at all elections.

Sec. 2. All elections shall be by ballot.

Sec. 3. Electors, during their attendance at elections, and in going to, and returning therefrom, shall be privileged from arrest, in all cases, except treason, felony, and breach of the peace.

Sec. 4. The General Assembly shall have power to exclude from the privilege of voting, or of being eligible to office, any person convicted of bribery, perjury, or other infamous crime.

Sec. 5. No person in the military, naval, or marine service of the United States, shall, by being stationed in any garrison, or military, or naval station, within the state, be considered a resident of this state.

Sec. 6. No idiot, or insane person, shall be entitled to the privileges of an elector.

Sec. 7. All nominations for elective state, district, county and municipal offices shall be made at direct primary elections or by petition as provided by law, and provision shall be made by law for a preferential vote for United States senator; but direct primaries shall not be held for the nomination of township officers or for the officers of municipalities of less than two thousand population, unless petitioned for by a majority of the electors of such township or municipality. All delegates from this state to the national convention of political parties shall be chosen by direct vote of the electors. Each candidate for such delegate shall state his first and second choices for the presidency, which preferences shall be printed upon the primary ballot below the name of such candidate, but the name of no candidate for the presidency shall be so used without his written authority. (Adopted Sept. 3 , 1912.)

Article VI.


Sec. 1. The principal of all funds, arising from the sale, or other disposition of lands, or other property, granted or entrusted to this state for educational and religious purposes, shall forever be preserved inviolate, and undiminished; and, the income arising therefrom, shall be faithfully applied to the specific objects of the original grants, or appropriations.

Sec. 2. The General Assembly shall make such provisions, by taxation, or otherwise, as, with the income arising from the school trust fund, will secure a thorough and efficient system of common schools throughout the state; but no religious or other sect, or sects, shall ever have any exclusive right to, or control of, any part of the school funds of this state.