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The Toupee Artist

not dress anybody but me. Do you think I can break my word before my own slaves?"

The other answered:

"Why not? You have laid down the law, you may change it."

The Count, our master, replied that for him such reasoning was strange.

"If I began to act in that way, I should never be able to demand anything more from my people. Arkadie has been told, that such is my decree, and all know it, and for that reason he is better kept than the others, but if he ever dare to apply his art to anybody but me—I will have him thrashed to death and send him as a soldier."

"One or the other," his brother said. "Either thrash him to death or send him as a soldier; you can't do both."

"Very well," answered the Count, let it be as you wish. He shall not be thrashed to death, but almost to death, and then he shall be sent as a soldier."

"Is that your last word, brother?"

"Yes, that is my last word."

"Is this the only reason?"

"Yes, the only one."

"Well, in that case it is all right. I was beginning to think that your brother was worth less to you than a village serf. You need not break your word,