Page:Lest We Forget The Sisters of Providence in Civil War Service.djvu/24

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Indianapolis, opened in a barracks 10x20 feet, was under the charge of Dr. W. B. Fletcher until he went off with his regiment. It was soon outgrown, and it is averred that the sick were in some cases housed in the cattle stalls. On May 18, 1861, the city turned its hospital building over to the United States Government, which used it as a military hospital until July 1, 1865, and then four months longer as a soldier's home, surrendering it to the city in November, 1865. The National government during its occupancy, added two three-story ells to the building, and also put up fences, out-buildings, and wooden barracks for wards.

"The first civic patient treated in the City Hospital was a man who fell from a hotel window in Indianapolis, and was