Page:Letter from Frederick Teesdale to Aubrey Hall p3.tif

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and was very glad to sell out & get some thing easier & more certain. I am surprised at his fathers action & might yet be a great sourse of trouble to him.

To turn a boy of nineteen out loose in Perth, is not good policy & may throw him among undesirables & sixpenny pool rooms etc. Gordon had no money, no bed that night & no prospects of either, Fortunately I ran across him on Easter monday & took him home, but could not induce him to say there, said he would not let his father say he took refuge with his relations.

I have fixed him up for a couple of weeks as he wants to try selling Carpet Sweepers & washing machines, on commission.

I know the canvassing business, from end to end, it is once removed from Insurance & the Go Getting trade of land sharking, still he must have his chance & if a failure I will try & get him back to a farm. He must be pretty good on a farm, he was getting a Couple of Quid per week & there are many more get thirty bob, at the most. Kind Regards to you & yours & am allways glad to hear from you.

Sincerly Yours Fred Teesdale

P.S. Have had a bad turn with Arthritus lately, this damp weather gives that disease, just "FITS", still the tongue is still good & the head as clear as it ever was, so there is much to be thankful for & I am not a bit afraid of next elections. I have something up my sleeve & alive & well, do not fear any reversal of the position.