Page:Letter from Hodgins, Westrich, Clagett to IRS Agent in Charge regarding Al Capone, 1931.djvu/9

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This casa, while it has been long rawn out and very difficult in some respects, has been brought to a successful conclusion and agents feel the results accomplished have justified the time and energy used.

Agents wish to take this opportunity to thank Mr. A. P. Madden for his fine spirit and cooperation throughout the examination, Mr. Frank Wilson for his patience and forbearance, when everything seemed to go wrong, for the consideration of the welfare and comfort of the men working with him, for his advise and council, and his willingness to put his shoulder to the wheel whenever needed to carry the load over the hill; Mr Nel Tassem, for his bulldog tenacity in holding on until the last scrap of evidence had been extracted; other members of the Intelligence Unit for their splendid help and cooperation when needed, and the district attorney's office and its various members for their advice and council on the law.

The moral shown in this case is wonderful. Nobody shirked - on the contray, everybody we think did their very best at the particular task they were assigned, all working for a common good, and this we belive is what put the case over.

W.C Hodgins
Internal Revenue Agent.

Jacque L. Westrich
Internal Revenue Agent.

H. M. Clagget,
Internal Revenue Agent