Page:Letter from Sereno E. Payne, Chairman of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries.djvu/2

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Fifty-fith Congress.

Sereno E. Payne, Chairman.
George D. Perkins. William S. Booze.
Albert J. Hopkins. John F. Fitzgerald.
John Simpkins. W. Jasper Talbert.
Philip B. Low. Henry D. Clayton.
James R. Young. Samuel T. Baird.
Archibald Lybrand. Levin Irving Handy.

G.W.R. #2.

Committee on

The Merchant Marine and Fisheries,

House of Representatives U. S.,

Washington, D. C.,

crease of her pension, that she might have the enjoymeny of it during the remainder of her life, which certainly, in the course of nature, cannot last long, instead of asking a lump sum and trying to get it in as a claim on account of money equitably due her from the Government for services. I think her case is exactly parallel to one passed in the House yesterday for a war nurse increasing her pension although the case of Mrs. Davis seems to me much stronger. If this case can have the early at attention of the Committee, I shall be very much gratified.

Yours very truly,

S. E. Payne