Page:Letter from W.S. Hall to J. Wellard, SLWA-b3443278-19.pdf/2

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and in excellent condition, in fact quite as good as young ??bersaing sheep ought to be. the lambs of last summer which were ?? are well grown & strong, we only draced 50? out of 84. which makes the circumstances very extraordinary luck, as the summer here is fearfully hot, & I think experiences will prove that last season was unusually so for ??sohn this burning clime, but ??mince it is not that way nom; beel as cols is blages momings & eights. I can only adds that any provou cho has the means to taste up a mun & placr 1000 threp on it aile srèy soon be inarpres druh & count his thousanas by trus, nodontn worl& tallom proaneing hree, will prouvan arciard seccerss. Infach the Infach the countergents be good for this for sorn Wessen is vatisfied on that point, & that with hime is rather ansisual de conrner, Jam soldi au