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Brutus owed much to ſar, but Brutus thought private Benefits as well as private Injuries, were to be ſacrificed to the Publick Safety. And Brutus was an honourable Man.

The Intereſt of the State is the Firſt Object of Men of Honour; Piety and Loyalty are included in it; to be falſe to one’s Country is to be falſe to God and the King.

If then we neglect the approaching Opportunity upon the next Election, we betray all the Ties of Nature, Religion and Allegiance; if we loſe it we are loſt with it. If a Majority of ſuch Men ſhould again prevail, Farewel to all that is dear to the Lovers of Liberty and Britain.

That Authority which (we know from the general Senſe of the Nation) can be continued in the ſame Hands, by no other Means but Violence and Corruption; muſt be maintained as it is got.

You Sir, are but juſt arrived at the Age of entring upon the publick Stage; and you arrive at it in this critical Moment, when all is at Stake. It is therefore, I have ſingled You out from the Reſt of my Countrymen, to kindle your Virtue and animate your Firſt Appearance.