Page:Letter from the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations to the Secretary-General (S-21428).pdf/2

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Text of the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Iraqi invasion of Kuwait

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, rejecting any use of force as a means of resolving problems in the region, considers that the military operations of Iraq against Kuwait constitute a serious threat to the security and stability of the volatile Persian Gulf region and condemns this act of aggression.

Although recent developments could be construed as one of the consequences of co-operation with the aggressor in the past - of which the Islamic Republic of Iran repeatedly warned the Persian Gulf States – the Islamic Republic of Iran firmly believes that respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of States as well as non-interference in their internal affairs are cardinal principles governing the relations among nations.

Iraqi military aggression has been a blatant violation of the aforementioned principles, and its consequences have serious ramifications for our national as well as regional security and world peace. It can also provide a pretext for an increased presence of expansionist great Powers in our region. Therefore, we call on Iraq to withdraw all its forces immediately to the internationally recognized boundaries and settle its disputes peacefully.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, as the largest country in the region with the greatest interest in the Persian Gulf, cannot remain indifferent to the developments that threaten its national security and the stability of the region.

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