Page:Letter to David S. Ferriero on the topic of January 6.pdf/2

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The Honorable David Ferriero
Page 2


Pending Requests

The Select Committee reiterates the requests made in the March 25, 2021,[1] correspondence from multiple committees of the House of Representatives, which the Select Committee subsequently joined, for documents and communications received, prepared, or sent between December 1, 2020, and January 20, 2021, relating to the counting of the electoral college vote on January 6, 2021, the potential for demonstrations, violence, or attacks in the National Capital Region on or around January 6, 2021, and the events or aftermath of January 6, 2021.

Those March 25, 2021, requests include but are not limited to:

  1. All documents and communications relating in any way to remarks made by Donald Trump or any other persons on January 6, including Donald Trump’s and other speakers’ public remarks at the rally on the morning of January 6, and Donald Trump’s Twitter messages throughout the day.
  2. All calendars, schedules, and movement logs regarding meetings or events attended by President Trump, including the identity of any individuals in attendance, whether virtual or in-person, on January 6, 2021.
  3. All documents and communications regarding the movements and protection of Vice President Pence on January 6, 2021.
  4. All video communications recorded of the President speaking on January 6, 2021, and all documents and communications related thereto, including communications involving the President or any other officials or employees in the Executive Office of the President or the Office of the Vice President. This request specifically includes videos of communications released to the public and communications recorded but not released to the public, any documents or other communications identifying or discussing the content of those videos.
  5. All photographs, videos, or other media, including any digital time stamps for such media, taken or recorded within the White House on January 6, 2021, or taken of the crowd assembled for the rally on the morning of January 6, and all communications or other documents related to that media.

  1. Letter from Chairwoman Carolyn B. Maloney, House Committee on Oversight and Reform, et al., to David Ferriero, Archivist, National Archives (March 25, 2021) (online at