Page:Letter to David S. Ferriero on the topic of January 6.pdf/4

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The Honorable David Ferriero
Page 4

    • Ivanka Trump;
    • Eric Trump;
    • Lara Trump;
    • Donald Trump, Jr.;
    • Jared Kushner;
    • Melania Trump;
    • Kimberly Guilfoyle;
    • Steve Bannon;
    • Michael Flynn;
    • Rudolph “Rudy” Giuliani;
    • Roger Stone;
    • any Member of Congress or congressional staff; or
    • the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of the Interior, or any element of the National Guard.
  1. All White House visitor records on January 6, 2021.
  2. All documents and communications regarding the movement of the President on January 6, 2021.
  3. All call logs and telephone records identifying calls placed to or from any individuals identified in (7) above.
  4. All schedules for any individuals identified in (7) above on January 6, 2021, and all documents relating to such meetings, including memoranda, read-aheads, and summaries of such meetings.
  5. All documents and communications received, prepared, or sent by any official within the White House Situation Room and the White House Operations Center on January 6, 2021, including but not limited to any communication logs, situation reports, and watch officer notes.

Additional Requests

In addition, to the extent not included in the scope of the March 25, 2021, request, and as a supplement to the requests previously made on March 25, 2021, we hereby make the following additional requests.

(a) Planning by the White House and Others for Legal or Other Strategies to Delay, Halt, or Otherwise Impede the Electoral Count