Page:Letter to Disney CEO Mr Bob Chapek About Mulan and Xinjiang.pdf/2

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(2) Please describe the contractual requirements made by or requests made of The Walt Disney Company related to the naming of the "Publicity Department of CPC Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Committee," the "Turpan Municipal Bureau of Public Security", and any other PRC or CCP entity in the Mulan credits.
(3) Please describe the extent to which officers and senior executives of The Walt Disney Company were aware of reports contemporaneous with the filming of Mulan that the PRC and CCP were carrying out a campaign of mass surveillance and detention against Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in the XUAR. If they were not aware, how will The Walt Disney Company ensure their officers and executives are made aware of publicly reported mass surveillance and detentions in the future?
(4) Please describe the extent to which film and production teams were aware of mass surveillance and detention of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in the XUAR while they were researching and filming the location? Please describe the reasoning that led The Walt Disney Company to go ahead with the filming of Mulan in light of these widely available and credible reports of the PRC and CCP's egregious human rights abuses in the XUAR, and whether filming within the XUAR was related to ensuring access to the PRC market.
(5) Please describe The Walt Disney Company's use of local labor while filming in the XUAR, including any cooperation with the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and use of Uyghur or other ethnic minority labor, as well as any due diligence performed to ensure that no forced labor was used during the film's production in the XUAR.
(6) Please identify The Walt Disney Company's units and subsidiaries that performed the aforementioned due diligence and any company that they contracted to perform such due diligence.
(7) Please describe the role of PRC-based officers and executives of The Walt Disney Company or its subsidiary, The Walt Disney Company (China) Limited, in the decision-making related to filming Mulan in the XUAR.
(8) Please confirm whether The Walt Disney Company or its subsidiaries involved in the filming of Mulan were required by PRC or CCP authorities to establish a communist party committee or branch for its Chinese employees, and, if so, whether that committee or branch played a role in the company's decision to film in Xinjiang.
(9) Does The Walt Disney Company have a policy about cooperating with entities that are known human rights abusers? If so, please share it. If not, please explain why not.
(10) Please identify regions, whether in the United States, or throughout the world, where The Walt Disney Company has refused to film or engage in production for reasons other than those based on economic/costs.
The Walt Disney Company's website states, "We believe social responsibility is a long-term investment that serves to strengthen our operations and competitiveness in the marketplace, enhance risk management, attract and engage talented employees, and maintain our reputation." We seek to fully understand how you implement this commitment in the activities you undertake in China.
We look forward to your prompt and detailed responses to these requests.