Page:Letter to the Reverend Mr. Michael Potter, minister of the gospel at Kippen, as an answer of his letter to the Reverend Mr. Ebenezer Erskine.pdf/1

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Reverend Mr. Michael Potter

Miniſter of the Goſpel at Kippen;


ANSWER of his Letter, lately ſent by him to the Reverend Mr. Ebenezer Erskine Miniſter of the Goſpel at Stirling, upon Occaſion of that ſlanderous Reproach that doth go thro' this Land on his Name, that he doth yearly receive Money from Rome to work unhappy Diviſions in the Church of CHRIST in this Land.

Eph. v. 2. Walk in Love together, as CHRIST hath loved us, and given himſelf for us.

Pſal. cxxxiii. i. Behold how good and how pleaſant it is for Brethren to dwell together in Unity.

By your affectionate Well-wiſher, W———m G———y.


Printed in the Year M.D.CC.XXXVIII.