Page:Letter to the Reverend Mr. Michael Potter, minister of the gospel at Kippen, as an answer of his letter to the Reverend Mr. Ebenezer Erskine.pdf/3

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Lanark, April 28. 1738.

Reverend SIR,

I HAVE lately ſeen a letter of yours, directed by you to Mr. Erskine miniſter of the goſpel in Stirling, as an anſwer to his letter ſent lately by him to you, upon occaſion of that ſlanderous reproach that doth go through this land on his name, that he doth yearly receive money or bills from Rome to work unhappy diviſion in the church of CHRIST in this land, which I am loath to believe that he does, or any of his dear brethren aſſociate together with him for the exerciſe of church government in a presbyterial capacity in order to bring about a covenanted work of reformation in this land, which is well known to all ſerious chriſtians, both miniſters and people, who will let their conſciences ſpeak the truth from their heart, upon examination of the laws and conſtitutions of this our reformed church from the year 1638 to 1650, they will ſee how far we are departed from the way of our worthy
