Page:Letter to the Reverend Mr. Michael Potter, minister of the gospel at Kippen, as an answer of his letter to the Reverend Mr. Ebenezer Erskine.pdf/9

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to Peter and the reſt of the apoſtles, men and brethren, what ſhall we do? And immediately it follows in ver. 44. That the same day there were added to the church about three thouſand ſouls. Paul ſays Rom. i. 16. For I am not aſhamed of the goſpel of CHRIST, for it is the power of GOD to ſalvation i Cor. i. 18. For the preaching of the croſs is unto then that periſ fooliſhneſs, but unto us which are ſaved it is the power of GOD. But. alas! many of our preachers at this day ſeem as if they were aſhamed of a crucified JESUS; but what is it in him you are aſhamed of? Are you aſhamed of his mean and low birth? Or are you aſhamed of his low and humble converſation in the World? Or is it becauſe his converſation was moſt with the meaneſt and moſt deſpiſed ſet of people among the Jews, ſuch as poor fiſhermen, publicans and ſinners, not like many of the miniſters of the goſpel at this day, whoſe converſations are most with the great ones in the land, while they overlook the the meaner rank of mankind as not to be ſo much regarded: It were heartily to be wiſhed that you could gain them to CHRIST by your converſation with them, and drive them from their impious lives, and engage them to obſerve the Sabbath and keep it holy, and wait upon the ordinances of the goſpel, and ſet up the worſhip of GOD in their families; this would end much to the glory of GOD, and the good of this poor land; but, alas! the Sabbath is little regarded by a great part of them; many of our great ones in this land, whom our church judicatories hath inveſted with power to plant congregations with paſtors, gives little or no

countenance to ordinances themſelves; yea many
