Page:Letter to the Secretary of the Navy and Merrick Garland, RE Camp Lejeune Claim Delays.pdf/2

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Constituents have reached out to our offices with concerns about the Navy and DOJ’s delay in adjudicating claims and settling lawsuits. In order to conduct oversight of the implementation of the Camp Lejeune Justice Act and to ensure those impacted by contaminated water receive justice in a timely manner, we request answers to the following questions:

  • How many Camp Lejeune claims has the Navy Judge Advocate General received? Please provide a detailed status of each including current disposition.
  • How many Camp Lejeune lawsuits have been filed in federal court since 2022? Please provide a detailed status of each including current procedural posture.
  • How many individuals with pending Camp Lejeune claims have died while waiting for a resolution to their case?
  • What are the Department of the Navy and the Department of Justice’s plans to process these claims in a timely manner?
  • What are DOJ’s guidelines for resolving these cases?
  • Will cases brought in federal court be litigated by lawyers from DOJ headquarters or by lawyers in the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina?

Our nation’s service members and their families have made incredible sacrifices in service to the United States. We owe it to them to provide efficient and timely processing of their claims resulting from government negligence. We respectfully request a response to these questions no later than June 9, 2023.


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Ted Budd
U.S. Senator

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Thom Tillis
U.S. Senator

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Mike Braun
U.S. Senator

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Chuck Edwards
Member of Congress

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Gregory F. Murphy, M.D.
Member of Congress

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Matthew Cartwright
Member of Congress