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his Abſence, the Senior Member of the Council there preſent, who are hereby reſpectively authorized to adminiſter the ſame, and ſhall continue in ſuch Office, during the Space of One Whole Year, to be computed from the ſaid Twentieth Day of December, and until another ſhall be duly appointed and ſworn into the ſaid Office;Proviſion in caſe of Death, &c. while in his office.and in caſe ſuch Sheriff ſhall die in his Office, or depart from the Provinces of Bengal, Babar, and Oriſſa, then another Perſon &c. ſhall and may, aſ ſoon as conveniently may be, after the Death or Departure his of ſuch Sherif, be in like Manner nominated, apppointed, and ſworn in as aforeſaid, and ſhall continue in his Office for the Remainder of the Year, or until another Sheriff ſhall be duly appointed and ſworn into the ſaid Office;Sheriff's Duty.and We do further order, direct and appointy, that the ſaid Sheriff, and his Succeſſors, ſhall by themſelves, or their ſufficient Deputies, to be by them appointed, and duly authorized, under their reſpective Hands and Seals, and for whom he and they ſhall be reſponſible, during his or their Continuance in ſuch Office and he and they are hereby authorized to execute all the Writs, Summons, Rules, Orders, Warrants, Commands and Proceſs of the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort William in Bengal, and make Return of the ſame, together with the Execution thereof, to the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort William in Bengal, and to receive and detain in Priſon ſuch Perſons as ſhall be committed to him for that. Purpoſe, by the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort William in Bengal, and by the Chief Juſtice and Juſtices reſpectively:Mode of Proceeding when the Sheriff ſhall be a Party.And We further direct, ordain and appoint, that whenever the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort William in Bengal, ſhall direct, or award any. Proceſs againſt the ſaid Sheriff, or award any Proceſs, in any Cauſe, Matter or Thing, wherein the ſaid Sheriff, on Account of his being related to the Parties, or any of them, or by Reaſon of any good Cauſe of Challenge, which would be allowed againſt any. Sheriff, in that. Part of Great Britain, called England, cannot by Law execute the ſame, in every ſuch caſe, the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, ſhall name and appoint ſome other fit Perſon to execute and return the ſame; andthe