Page:Letters Patent, Establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal.pdf/21

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Court's Power and, Juriſdiction, in Bengal, &c. in all Treſpaſſes, againſt the Company, Mayor's Court of Calcutta, others in Bengal, &c. or others who have reſided there, or who have Effects there,or are or have been in the Company's Service, or of the Mayor's Court, or of others, but not againſt ſuch who have never reſsided there, or againſt such who reſide in Great-Britan, &c.And We do further direct, ordain and appoint, that the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, may and ſhall have Power and Juriſdiction, and is hereby authorized to hear, examine, try and determine, in Manner hereinafter mentioned, all Actions and Suits, which ſhall or may ariſe, happen, be brought, or promoted, upon or concerning any Treſpaſſes or Injuries, of what Nature or Kind ſoever, or any Debts, Duties, Demands, Intereſts or Concerns, of what Nature or Kind ſoever, or any Rights, Titles, or others who Claims or Demands, of, in, or to any Houſes, Lands, or other Things, real or perſonal, in the ſeveral Provinces or Diſtricts, called Bengal, Babar, and Oriſſa, or touching the Poſſeſſion, or any Intereſt or Lien, in or upon the ſame, and all Pleas, real, perſonal or mixt, the Cauſes of which ſhall or may hereafter ariſe, accrue and grow, or ſhall have heretofore ariſen, accrued and grown, againſt The ſaid United Company Mercbants, Trading to the Eat-Indies, and againſt the ſaid Mayor and Aldermen of Calcutta, at Fort William in Bengal, and againſt any other of Our Subjects, who ſhall be reſident within the ſaid Provinces, Diſtricts or Countries, called Bengal, Babar, and Oriſſa, or who ſhall have reſided there, or who ſhall have any Debts, Effects or Eſtate, real or perſonal, within the ſame, and againſt the Executors and Adminiſtrators of ſuch Our Subjects, and againſt any other Perſon, who ſhall, at the Time of ſuch Action being brought, or a the Time when any ſuch Cauſe of Action ſhall have accrued, be or have been employed by, or be or have been, directly or indirectly, in the Service of the ſaid United Company, or of the ſaid Mayor and Aldermen, or of any other of Our Subjects: Provided always, that it ſhall not be competent to the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal, to try or determine any Suit or Action, againſt any Perſon, who ſhall never have been reſident in the Provinces of Bengal, Babar, and Oriſſa, or any one of them, nor againſt any perſon then reſident in Great-Britain, or Ireland, unleſs ſuch Suit or Action, againſt ſuch Perſon, ſo then reſident in Great Britain, or Ireland, ſhall be commenced within Two Years after the Cauſe of Action aroſe, andthe