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ſion of Houſes, Land, or other Things, recovered in and by ſuch Judgment, or to levy any Sum of Money, which ſhall be ſo recovered, or any Coſts, which, ſhall be ſo awarded, as the Caſe may require, by ſeizing and ſelling ſo much of the Houſes, Lands, Debts, or other Effects, real and perſonal, of the Party, againſt whom ſuch Writs ſhall be awarded, as will be ſufficient to anſwer and ſatisfy the ſaid Judgment. or Awards or to take and impriſon the Body of ſuch Party of Parties, until he or they ſhall make ſuch Satisfaction, or to do both as the Cafe ſhall require: And We do further order, direct and appoint,Debts, ſo feized, to be paid as the Court shall Appoint:that the ſeveral Debts, to be ſeized as aforeſaid, ſhall, from the Time the ſame. all be extended and returned into the said Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, be paid and payable, in ſuch Manner and Form as the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bangal, ſhall appoint, and. no other; and ſuch Payment, and no other, ſhall from thenceforth be an abſolute and effective Diſcharge for the ſaid Debts, and every of them reſpectively:Such Interlocultory Orders to be made as they as shall see fit;And We do hereby further authorize and empower the ſaid Supreme. Orders to be Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, to make ſuch further, and other Interlocutory Rules and Orders, as the Juſtice of the Proceeding may ſeem to require;in failure of Appearance, the court may order the Party areſſted:and in caſe the Party, ſo fummoned as aforeſaid, ſhall not appear upon the Return of ſuch Summons, or Precept as, aforeſaid, according to the Exigence thereof, We do further authorize and empower the ſaid Supreme Court order the Party to be of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, to award and iſſue a Writ or Warrant, to be prepared in Manner above-mentioned, and directed to the ſaid Sheriff, commanding him to arreſt and ſeize the Body of ſuch Perſon, fo making default, and to have his faid Body, at-ſuch Time and Place as ſhall be ſpecified in the ſaid Writ for that Purpoſe, before the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicture, at Fort-William in Bengal, to anſwer the ſaid Plaint; and the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort William in Dengal, may, if it should be thought Sherif may proper, by the faid Writ,Sheriff may take Bail for Appearance:authorize the Said Sheriff to take ſuch Bail, for the Appearance of the ſaid Defendant, as the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, ſhall think fit to direct; and upon ſuch Appearance,the