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Governor, or Preſident and Council, at Fort-Wiliam in Bengal, to appear for the ſaid United Company, with further Power to iſſue ſuch Proceſs, againſt the ſaid Company, and their Eſtate and Effects, as ſhould be neceſſary to compel the Appearance of the ſaid Company, and to raiſe and levy upon their Goods, Eſtate or Effects, the Debt or Damages, together with ſuch Coſts of Suit as ſhould be awarded by the ſaid Court; and that in caſe of any Action or Suit, to be brought by the ſaid Conapany, againſt any other Perſon, it ſhould be lawful for the ſaid Governor, or Preſident and Council, to appear and act for the ſaid Company; and in caſe of Judgment given againſt the ſaid Company, and Coſts awarded, the ſame ſhould be levied by the ſaid Court, upon the Goods and Effects of the ſaid Company, as by the ſaid Charter may more fully appear; Company to appoint an Attorney to act on their Behalf: Now We meaning alſo to extend the Powers and Authorities, hereby given and granted, for the due Adminiſtration of Juſtice, in the moſt beneficial Manner, to all Our loving Subjects, in the ſaid Provinces, Diſtricts, or Countries, of Bengal, Babar, and Oriſſa,do grant, ordain and appoint, that the ſaid Governor and Council, or their Succeſſors, ſhall and may, from Time to Time, by their ſufficient Warrant, to be filed of Record, name and appoint ſome ſufficient Perſon, reſident in the ſaid Town of Calcutta, to be the Attorney of the ſaid United Company, who ſhall remain and act as Attorney to the ſaid United Company, ſo long as he ſhall reſide in Calcutta, or until ſome other fit Perſon, there reſident, ſhall be appointed in his Place, in Manner above-mentioned; Form of Proceedings: and if any ſuch Plaint as aforefaid ſhall be filed in the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, againſt the ſaid United Company, the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal, may and is hereby empowered to award and iſſue ſuch Summons, or Precept as aforeſaid, directed to the ſaid Sheriff, commanding him to ſummons the ſaid United Company, by their ſaid Attorney, to appear at a Time and Place therein to be ſpecified, to anſwer the ſaid Plaint, and the ſaid Sheriff ſhall ſerve the ſame upon the ſaid Attorney, and the ſaid Attorney ſhall thereupon appear for the ſaid Company; and if the ſaid United Company ſhall not appear in Manneraforeſaid,