Page:Letters Patent, Establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal.pdf/35

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who ſhall, at the Time of committing the ſame, have been employed by, or ſhall have been, directly or indiredctly, in the Service of the ſaid United Company, or of any of the Subjects of Us, Our Heirs or Succeſſors, and tor that Purpoſe to award and iſſue a Writ or Writs, to the ſaid Sheriff, prepared in Manner before-mentioned, commanding him to arreſt and ſeize the Body or Bodies of ſuch Offenders, and bring him or them to Fort-Williams aforefaid, and him or them to keep, until he or they ſhall be delivered, by due Courſe of Law, and to do all other Acts, which ſhall be neceſſary for the due Adminiſtration of Criminal Juſtice, in ſuch Manner and Form, or-as nearly as the Circumſtances and Condition of the Caſe will admit of, as Our Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and Gaol Delivery, may do, in that Part of Great-Britain, called England: Unlawful for Offenders to object to Locality of the Court's Juriſdiction or to the Juries. And We do further ordain and eſtablifh, that in ſuch Caſe, it ſhall not be lawful,for ſuch Offender, to object to the Locality of the Juriſdiction of the Court, or the Grand or Petit Jury; Offenders to be tried, &c. as if their crimes had been committed in Calcutta.but he ſhall be indicted, arraigned, tried, convicted and puniſhed, or acquitted and demeaned, in all Reſpects, as if the Crime had been committed within the ſaid Town of Calcutta, or Factory of Fort-Wiliam, or the Limits thereof.

Supreme Court may reprives or ſuſpend Execution of Sentence, until the King's Pleaſure is known, to whom a state of the Caſe, &c, is to be ſent; in the mean Time the offenders may be detained, or delivered on Bail.And Whereas Caſes may ariſe, wherein it may be proper to remit the general Severity of the Law, We do hereby authorize and empower the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, to reprieve and ſuſpend the Execution of any Capital Sentence, wherein there ſhall appear, in their Judgment, a proper Occaſion for Mercy, until Our Pleaſure ſhall be known, and they ſhall in ſuch Caſe tranſmit to Us, under the Seal of the Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-Wiliam in Bengal, a State of the ſaid Caſe, and of the Evidence, and of the Reaſons for recommending the Criminal to Our Mercy; and in the mean Time, they ſhall cauſe ſuch Offender to be kept in ſtrict Cuſtody, or deliver him or her out to ſufficient Mainpriſe, or Bail, as the Circumſtances ſhall ſeem to require.
