Page:Letters Patent, Establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal.pdf/49

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tioned Court: And We do hereby authorize and empower the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, to proceed accordingly in all ſuch Indictments, Informations, Actions, Suits, Cauſes and Proceedings, and to make ſuch Orders reſpecting the ſame, and alſo reſpecting any Sum or Sums of Money belonging to the Suitors, at the ſaid Mayor's Court of Calcutta, at Fort-William in Bengal, as the ſaid Mayor's Court of Calcutta, at Fort-William in Bengal, or the ſaid Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Gaol Delivery, might have made, or as the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-Willam in Bengal, is hereby empowered to make, in Cauſes commenced or depending before the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal; for which Purpoſe, it is Our further Will and Pleaſure, that Records of the Mayor's Court, &c. to be delivered over to the Supreme Court. all the Records, Muniments and Proceedings whatſoever, of or belonging to the ſaid Mayor's Court, of Calcutta, at Fort-William in Bengal, or to the ſaid Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and Gaol Delivery, ſhall be delivered over, depoſited, and preſerved among the Records of the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal.

Four Terms, and Sittings after Term, to be appointed in each Year; And We do hereby authorize and empower the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal (Reſpect being had to the Seaſons of the Year, and the Convenience of the Suitors) to ſettle and appoint proper Terms and Law Days, and Days for Sittings after Term, and to proclaim, held, and adjourn the Seſſions of Oyer and Terminer, and Gaol Delivery, and Admiralty Seſſions, as to them ſhall ſeem moſt expedient; provided nevertheleſs, that the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, ſhall, and they are hereby required to appoint not leſs than Four Terms in the Year, each Duration of Terms, and Sittings; Term conſiſting of Four Weeks at the leaſt, in each Year, and Sittings after each Term, each Sitting to conſiſt of Fourteen Days, if the Buſineſs of the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, be not ſooner diſpatched; Two Seſſions to be held every Year. and that the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, do in each Year hold Two Seſſions of Oyer and Terminer, and Gaol Delivery.
