Page:Letters Patent, Establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal.pdf/55

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SUPREME. Court of Judicature, appointed to conſit of a Chief and Three PuſIne Juftices 3
————— To have a Seal, to be kept by the Chief or Senior Puiſne Juſtice 4
————— To appoint Clerks and other Officers, with Salaries to be approved by the Governor-General and Council 8
————— Their Powers and Juriſdiction 19
————— May determine Diſputes between Indian Natives and Britiſh Subjects, in Actions exceeding 500 Rupees 21
————— To be a Court of Equity
————— To be a Court of Oyer and Terminer 22
————— May reprieve Offenders, and the Conditions 24
————— To have Jurisdiction over the Inferior Courts 25
————— To exercIſe Eccleſiaftical Juriſdiction
————— To grant Probates of Wills and Adminiſtrations 26
————— Forms of Proceedings and Powers
————— To appoint Regiſters and Proctors
————— To have the Care of Minors and Inſane Perſons
————— To be a Court of Admiralty, their Powers
—————Extent of Juriſdiction, as a Court of Admiralty 30
————— Power to puniſh Crimes Maritime
————— May arreſt Ships and compel Appearances 31
————— To tranſmit Copies of all Evidence on Appeals 34
————— In Criminal Suits may allow or deny Appeals, and fettle the Terms
————— Court to execute the Judgments and Orders of the King 34
————— Juſtices to be free from Arreſts, except for Treaſon or Felony 35
————— Juſtices Eſtates may be ſeized and ſequeſtered
————— To appoint Four Terms and Sittings after each 38
————— To hold Two Seſſions yearly
————— To frame Rules of Practice, to be tranſmitted to the Privy Council for Approval 39
TERMS, Four, to be held yearly, and Sittings after each, their Duration 38
WITNESSES to be examined on Oath, except Quakers 12
————— To be ſummoned
—————To be allowed reaſonable Expences
————— Chriſtians to be ſworn; Quakers to affirm
————— Refuſing to be ſworn, or affirm, to be punifhed 13
————— To be ſummoned to attend the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and ſworn 23
————— To anſwer according to the Law, Civil and Maritime 31
WRITS of the Supreme Court to be iſſued in the King's Name 5
————— of Execution to be iſſued for ſeizing Effects 13