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selves; and we mean to keep up that practice of letting our ladies amuse themselves in the afternoon—it saves so much trouble. We drove to the Military Burial Ground, where there are some very pretty picturesque monuments I wanted to sketch. It was a melancholy sight. There is poor Jeffrey Amherst’s monument. We could not find one instance of a death later than twenty-five. Then the monuments are always erected by ‘brother officers,’ or a ‘circle of friends,’ and never by relations:

By stranger's hands his dying eyes were closed,

I could not help thinking. We are much too old to die in India evidently, so do not be alarmed about us.


Barrackpore, Sunday, March 27.

A very full church; not a good sermon. A beautiful cool day; and this place is really enjoyable in such weather, it smells so sweet, and looks so cheerful. George took Lady Ryan a drive, so Fanny and I rode with most of the gentlemen.

We took such a pretty ride through an Indian