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think? but to be sure Mrs. C—— is the strongest likeness of any. It’s quite curious. I don’t know but what Mrs. D—— looks very well, and the insects seem to respect Mrs. D——, ma’am; but, to my mind, Mrs. C—— is the best, though sometimes I do fancy all the ladies is here; these here pictures are so exactly them.’

Fanny is meditating an expedition to the Raj Mahl hills. —— has been concocting a shooting party with Mr. and Mrs. ——, and they wanted us to join the party. I should be very glad to see some hills, but I could not leave George for a month; and indeed he has not an idea of being left for a day; and, moreover, I never feel up to any fatigue; but I think it will be an excellent break for her, and with —— to take care of her, the difficulties of the journey will be nothing. In India, where everybody has their own servants, nothing is so easy as these little independent expeditions, and it will make a very amusing recollection in after-life. The tiger-shooting sounds rather awful, and I think Fanny is a little afraid of it; but there is no need for seeing more of it than she likes. They will start about the middle of

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