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the furniture which I have had embroidered in the house here, but the climate is spoiling it already. Will you take care of it and have it aired occasionally? and in due time it will have to be made up. That will be a very satisfactory moment, because then we shall be on our road home.

Fanny and —— set off in rather less than three weeks for their Raj Mahl Hill expedition, and are full of preparations.


Wednesday, January 18, 1837.

Fanny was not well enough to go to the ball after all; it was really a pity she missed it; it was so well done. Our whole household went in grand costume, and I was tastefully attired in a Chinese white satin, elegantly embroidered in wreaths of flowers (not the least like flowers) by my Dacca workmen; head-dress, feathers and lappets. Everybody went in new dresses, which made the ball look brilliant. We were met on the steps by twelve stewards, wearing silver medallions, two of which I begged and have sent (by Captain