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at once. I had two from you, and your account of your interview with Madame Sophie made us . all laugh; even the poor, dear aides-de-camp thought it their duty to laugh too. But I think it was rather clever of you to write such a good account of my gowns—very much as if I were to try and compound for my tithes, or enforce the new Poor Law. On Saturday the box arrived, and very imposing it looked when we had it opened. Lovely articles! Not but what I think the fashions in real truth hideous, and remarkably unbecoming to me; but still the gowns themselves are beautiful.

George is going to answer Willy’s letter. We have got a good leopard-skin for him, and hope to find a tiger-skin in the course of the week. Those we have seen had been damaged; so if we do not succeed, he must wait till Fanny and —— bring back one of their own shooting. There is a Captain —— going home next week who will take them, and I will send by the same opportunity some pocket-handkerchiefs, which —— presents to you. They are made somewhere up the country, and are very good articles.

Fanny and —— set off yesterday morning

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