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hear the Bishop preach a funeral sermon for the Bishop of Madras—that excellent Corrie who appears in ‘ Henry Martyn’s Life,’ and in all other good Indian memoirs. He and his wife have both died at Madras within the last few months.

Monday, 20th.

We went again to the cathedral, that George might hear the Bishop, but he did not preach. A Mr. S—— gave us such a bad sermon. It is very odd how many bad sermons there are in the world, and they are much worse in this climate; like meat, or milk, or anything else, they won't keep at all, and if they run to length when the thermometer is near 90°, as it was in church yesterday, you cannot imagine how one carps at the slightest tautology.

I had such a pretty present to-day of little marble figures from Gyah. It is a famous place for cutting stone and marble, and I am thinking of sending the models I have made lately up there and getting them cut in stone. I have just finished one of Fairy and her puppies as a surprise for ——.

Wednesday, 22nd.

I always try, if I can, to pick up anything