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George said ten days ago, that the King of Oude wanted a coiffeur, and I said for a joke what an opportunity for Robert’s friend if we did but know where he was, not knowing that Mars was taking care of him all the time. I dare say the valet of the Governor-General is just the very man the King of Oude would approve of to choose his hairdresser.

Yours affectionately,

E. Eden.

TO ——.

Government House, Tuesday, March 28, 1837.

We heard in the morning from Fanny that they were to leave Moorshedabad to-day by water, and have been making arrangements that the steamer which takes our servants to Barrackpore on Thursday should go on to meet them. I really think they will be baked to a native colour if they remain long on the river this weather.

George and I took a very hot ride, and he came home for his great dinner to the Bishop. Out of eighty-five asked eighty-three came, which is the largest number we have dined. St. Cloud’s bill of fare was four sides of fools-