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should have this beautiful dress when he was twelve years old, and she very pleased he so fine boy.’ Poor woman! it is lucky she is kept so strictly shut up, for if she saw many other boys she would not be so secure of the beauty of this.

Saturday, April 15.

As we came up to Barrackpore on Thursday we met the Nawab of Chitpore with all his followers, dressed in green and carrying beautiful flags, and leading horses gorgeously trapped and all beating their breasts and lamenting for ‘Honpiu.’ I am very low about him myself, but cannot make out his story.

One of our young horses came down like a shot on the road, threw the postilion, who weighs nothing, a mile off, the wheelers went on over him (the horse, not the man), and the wheel went up against him. —— has not set up any horses since his return, so he was luckily with us and jumped out, and we all followed as fast as we could, and by dint of cutting traces and girths, &c., the horses were disentangled, and the fallen one was not hurt except by the kicks of the others. The heat of