Page:Letters from an Oregon Ranch.djvu/135

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later she would be found back in the same place. Losing patience at last, Tom said in disgust: “Well, stay there, then, you confounded old trespasser! You look ridiculous enough, perched up there, with your hat on and your coat-tails hanging over that box. You have just taken this up as a fad, and you’ll mighty soon be sick of it.”

If “The Doctor” heard, she made no sign, but continued to gaze steadfastly toward the Pacific Ocean, and never turned a feather. Having won the battle, she settled down to business in a resolute way; and we thought that perhaps, after all, she wasn’t so flighty as she looked.

A week later Tom said, “You can’t guess whom I saw up in the woods to-day.”

“Robin Hood?”


“Friar Tuck?”

“No; one more guess and you’re out.”

After deep thought I hazarded, “Countess Irma and her little wood-carver.”

“Oh, you’re away off! It was Dr. Mary Walker.”

“Good gracious! What was she doing away up there?”

“Sauntering along the brook, with a gay bevy of friends, picking up pebbles and grasses, seemingly quite care-free and joyous.”

After this she was seen every day stalking over the fields. Great was our surprise when we found she