Page:Letters from the Battle-fields of Paraguay (1870).djvu/278

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ten miles, and send out emigrants who mnst be prepared at any moment to exchange the plough for the sword. Properly managed, this place would afford a Hegira to the paupers of Europe, and in its turn this splendid and luxu- riant waste will begin the life of civilized regions.

An error of detail made in this line at one time threatened serious trouble. I quote it as a warning to future specu- lators. The Government ought, immediately after passing the bill, to have purchased the six and a half square miles which cross the railway longiter, and a very small sum might have made them its proprietors. Every month saw active men pressing in to exploit the land, the public funds could not afford $25,000 (5000/.), sometimes demanded for a single square league, and for years the only ground given over in the Cordoba Province was the *' Indian country^' about Tortugas. It was once expected that the authorities would be compelled to offer to the Company, in lieu of the land conceded, a round sum say of $500,000, that this would be refused, that the question would become inter- national, and that the railway would not reach its terminus in 1870. All these difificulties, however, have, I am in- formed, been satisfactorily arranged.

We will now return to the Yi. A ^' tormenta^^ or dust- storm threatens, and we must hurry on board whilst we may. Adieu.