Page:Letters from the Battle-fields of Paraguay (1870).djvu/392

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attempted to cross. Our guide pointed oat the place where the brave Colonel Charloni^ commanding the Italian Legion^ after receiving a musket-ball through the lungs^ was killed by a canister shot ; and amongst the fatal casualties was the only son of President Sarmiento^ aged twenty-one.

Behind the earthworks a little Pueblo lay in ruins. We then rode to the comercio or bazar of Curupaity. It sug- gested past scenes at Balaklava and Kadi Keui. The timber walls and canvas roofs were bigger and more substantial than usual. The sutlers did not wish or expect to take Humaita so quickly. There was nothing for them now, how- ever, but to follow the army ; and the bustle of soldiers and of camp followers who were removing piles of wood and boarding, sacks of provisions, heaps of old arms, and hillocks of hides, showed that they did not wish to be left far behind.

We then galloped up the dusty road through the Brazilian lines, shook hands with our guide, and thanked General Gelly i Obes for the loan of his chargers. We had gone round about two-thirds of the so-called " Quadri- lateral,^^ or twenty miles in five hours, and there were no traces of '^ saddle-sickness.^^ Good-bye.