Page:Letters from the Battle-fields of Paraguay (1870).djvu/401

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guardia taciAra. 371

River, where hostilities were actually going on, with the object, said the Brazilians, of impeding their progress.

After his return to Monte Video, Lieutenant-Commander Kirkland was of course discreet. But greatly to the an- noyance of the Paraguayans, he took up with him a friend, acting interpreter, and Mr. Charles F. Davie did not hold himself equally bound to silence. From him it was gene- rally understood that the President of Paraguay expected to be driven by the superior weight of the Allies, from La Villeta his last resistance-point upon the river, but that he would then retire into the interior and offer all the new difficulties of a guerilla warfare. This style of campaign is here called guerra de recur sos — sem recursos (without ma- terials of war), added the Brazilians.

At Guardia Tacuara I was surprised by the Brazilian free- and-easy system of operations. The fall of Hiimaita has left their squadi'on free to advance, and yet they have moved during the last month only half a direct degree. Their ironclad vanguard squadron have already thrown shot into Asuncion. Why do they not do it again — or rather, why do they not occupy the capital? It is reported that Marshal- President Lopez is falling back fiom La Villeta. Why do they not reconnoitre ? Some petty hostilities are going on along the line of the Tebicuary. The ironclads unbank fires every morning, breakfast, leisurely steam up stream, bang away with their big guns at everything they see — we dis- tinctly hear their distant thunder — return before dark, dine, and sleep in all possible coziness.

This is comfort, Mais ce n'est pas la guerre !

