Page:Letters from the Battle-fields of Paraguay (1870).djvu/415

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is compelled to be driven about — no small mortification. After seeinf^ so much of half-civilian oHiccrs, it was a plea- sui'e to hear his soldierly greeting, " Entre, caballcro '/' and the cordiality of his manners made me at once incline towards him. He is a stout, portly man of fifty to fifty- two, with the noble bearing of the Rio Grandense gentle- man. Despite grey hair and beard, his eye is bright and young; and his straight, handsome features bear the frankest and most kindly expression. He is the only general uni- versally loved and respected by the Argentines as well as the Brazilians, and this popularity has, it is said, excited the jealousy of his chief — certainly General Osorio^s name does not appear in orders as it deserves to appear. He is brave to temerity ; horse after horse has been shot under him, and the soldiers declare that he bears a charmed life, and shakes after battle the bullets out of his poncho. The Brazil need never despair of success when she can show such a noble example of gallantry and spirit as General Osorio.

It was early in the day, and I had not broken fast when the Generars servant brought me half a tumblerful of gin in a silver mug. It would hardly have been soldier-like to hang fire in presence of the commander of the third corjjs d'armee, more especially as another " tot " was handed to him. He complained of his legs, but declared that they should not force him from Paraguay till the last moment. A cloud came over his countenance as he spoke of his crippled state. Moreover, he anticipated but little difficulty in a campaign beyond the Tebicuary, where the land is solid and the fighting would be straightforward. Ill-omened words ! The worst action was yet to come, and he was fated to be shot through the mouth at the Loma Yalentina. After December 11, 1868, he was compelled, by exfoliation of the palate bone, to revisit his native province. He re-