Page:Letters from the Battle-fields of Paraguay (1870).djvu/82

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non-intercourse policy. Hostile writers aver that the un- happy land lived embruted under a death-like peace imposed by ignorance and terror,, enduring a despotism of isolation and desolation more lethal and funest than all the civil wars and anarchy. But there are few men who have not political creeds prejudged and formulated in advance^ with models, prototypes, and ideal predilections which falsify their judgment. Evidently the Republic of the Dictator was a reproduction, in somewhat a sterner mould, of the Jesuit Reduction system, and it throve because the popular mind was prepared for it. Others, I have said, accuse Francia of having governed by encouraging a profound corruption of morals ; but probably the ecclesiastical system of rule, which allows everything to those who believe, tremble, and confess, left very little of virtue for him to trample upon. And still he could say with Solon, " I have not given you the best possible laws, but those laws that suit you best" As has been proved by the logic of facts, the people were enthusiastic, both for the system and for its administration. They may be pitiable, but, like the needy knife-grinder, they will not be pitied. They were, doubtless, and they still are, in a state of semi-barbarism, but they have given their lives rather than abandon the customs of their ancestors and betray what must be called their political creed.

On Sept. 20, 1840, Dr. Francia, rushing to sabre his " cu- randero" or doctor, fell into a fit. The man of blood called in the sergeant of the guard, who refused to enter without orders.

" But he can^t speak.-*^

" No matter V replied pipe-clay ; if he comes to, he will punish me for disobedience.^^

El Supremo died at 9 a.m., aged eighty-three years y^

  • The date of his birth was uncertain ; hence some make his age eighty,

others eighty-four, and others eighty-five years. Dr. Martin de Moussy dates his death December 25.