Page:Letters from the Battle-fields of Paraguay (1870).djvu/84

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and Dr. Garcia Moreno rule with a sceptre which takes the form of sword and dagger^ the Provinces of Entre Rios and Santiago del Estero and the Republic of Ecuador. To recover liberty is every man^s business^ and consequently, as the saying is, no man^s business ; it is therefore left to recover itself: a concentrated individuality takes the place of the noble and generous sentiment of nationality and of patriotism, the unselfish egotism of peoples.

Yet it is evident that Francia was not one of the herd of tyrants upon whom the world looks with a transient interest. He left his mark in history : he created a school ; his ideas of " Americanismo " long antedate the '^ Know-nothings â– '"' and the " Spread-Eagleism " of the United States, and they are becoming predominant throughout Southern America.

In Paraguay the system of government depends rather upon persons than upon institutions. Strangers, therefore, generally believe that the repressive measures imposed upon society by the energetic will of " the Supreme," and kept up for a whole generation, would, after his death, bring on a reaction more or less violent. The contrary was the case, and with his decease commenced the ordering and organization of the Republic. The country was expected, said Erancia^s enemies, to ^^rise like Lazarus at the voice of the Redeemer.^^ It remained docile as before.

A very brief acephalous interim followed the death of the dark Dictator. His " actuario^-* or secretary, who presently hanged himself in prison, persuaded the commandants of the four corps occupying the capital^ to form a Junta Gubernativa. This ruling body was presided over by the Alcalde, Dr. C. L. Ortiz, and was soon driven from power by a military revolution. The Commandant General-at- Arms, D. Juan Jose Medina, placed himself at the head of affairs, but he was called a usurper because he had no administrative authority.