ants of my household upon each of them to wait upon him and show him the way. The said Luis Ponce travelled in such haste, however, that, although we had used all despatch, my people met him only twenty leagues from this city; and although he received my messengers cordially he refused to accept their services. Although I was sorry at this, because, owing to his hurried travelling he required assistance, I was on the other hand glad, because his refusal proved him to be a just man, who desired to execute his functions with all straightforwardness, and inasmuch as he had come to investigate my conduct, he was unwilling to give rise to suspicion by accepting my hospitality. He arrived one evening two leagues from this city, where he passed the night; and I prepared everything to receive him properly on the following day, but he sent me word not to come out to meet him in the morning, as he intended to dine where he was, asking me merely to send him a chaplain to say mass for him, which I did. Suspecting that this was only an excuse, as it afterwards turned out to be, to avoid the reception, I was on my guard, but he left so early that although I made all haste, he was already within the city when I met him; so we rode together to the monastery of St. Francis, where we assisted at mass. After this, I said that, if he desired to present his provisions then, it could be done, for the entire municipal council of the city was assembled there, as well as the treasurer and accountant of Your Majesty. He declined to do this, saying that he would present them the next day. And, so it was done; for, the next day, we assembled in the principal church of the city (the dean and chapter, as well as the said officials and myself being present), when the said Luis Ponce presented the royal letters, which I, and all those who assisted at the ceremony, received and kissed, and placed upon our heads as provisions of our King and rightful Sovereign,
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Fifth Letter