where the ship had arrived, to arrange for the said captain to return to Spain immediately if he so desired, providing him with everything necessary for his voyage; and to learn from him the particulars of his voyage so that I might make a full report of everything to Your Highness as soon as possible. Lest the ship might need repairs I also sent thither a pilot to bring her to the port of Zacatula, where I have three ships ready to start on a voyage of discovery in those parts and coasts, and I gave orders that she should be repaired and refitted for Your Majesty's service, and for the needs of her voyage. As soon as I receive information from the ship, I shall immediately forward it, so that Your Majesty, being fully informed, may give the orders most expedient for Your Royal service.
My ships in the South Sea, as I have told Your Majesty, are prepared to start on their voyage; for, as soon as I arrived in this capital, I began to hasten their departure; and they would already have sailed but that they were waiting for certain arms, artillery, and ammunition, which had come from Spain, for their service and that of Your Majesty. I hope, in Our Lord, that Your Majesty's good fortune will enable me to render good services by this voyage; for, even if a strait should not be discovered, I hope to find some route to the Spice Islands, so that Your Majesty may have yearly news of events there. Should Your Majesty be pleased to grant me the favours I have asked in a certain capitulation respecting that discovery, I offer myself to conquer all the Spiceries, and any other islands there may be between Malucco, Malacca, and China, and to arrange matters so that, instead of obtaining spices and drugs by trading with the king of Portugal, who now owns them, Your Majesty may obtain them as your own property, once the natives of those islands have acknowledged Your Majesty as their king and rightful