iards and wounded more than twenty, stopping our advance. Seeing that it was impossible to do more, and that such great numbers of foes were gathering to help those on the hillock that the country was covered with them, I ordered the captains to retreat; and, having descended, the horsemen charged those on the plain and drove them from the field, killing them with their lances during a pursuit which lasted for an hour and a half.
The people being many, the horsemen scattered from one part to another, and after having again assembled some told me that about a league further on they had seen another hillock with many people on it, but that it was not so strong; that on the plains near it were many people; and that there were to be found there two things which we did not find on this other, one was water and the other less strength in the position, so we might without danger capture the people. Although I much regretted not having obtained the victory, we left and slept that night near the other hillock, where we endured much hardship and privation; neither did we find any water, nor all that day had we or the horses drunk any; thus we passed that night hearing a great noise of kettledrums, trumpets, and yells from our enemies.
As soon as day dawned, certain captains and myself began to examine the hill, which seemed to us almost as strong as the other; but it had two high points on its summit which were easier to mount and which were defended by many warriors. My captains and I with other hidalgos who were there took our shields and went on foot towards it (for the horses had been taken to be watered about a league off), only for the purpose of seeing its strength and where it might be attacked; when the people saw us, although we said nothing to them, they followed us. When we reached the foot of the hillock, the men on the peaks, believing I intended to attack those in the centre, abandoned their positions to