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the number of four vendue masters for this town, and nol more; to be entirely at the disposal and direction of y' Select Men: in con- sequence dl which, many have petition'd their high mightim for that lucrative employment, which takes place y. 29th instant. A \ ery judicious act ! Likewise our \ erj respectable Town meeting have voted to have 300 lamps properly dispos'd to light this town — a thing I have long wish'd for.

March \&ih. Should nol have sent the scroll, intended to have gone by (lunch, without transcribing, would my convenience have admitted of it.

Have enclos'd you Doctor Church's Oration delivered y* 5th in- stant, as well as one deliver'd by James Lovell last year/

I suppose you must have seen reprinted in your papers the mes- ■ passing to and from our < h>\ ernor and house of Representath es respecting the most important matter of right of parliament to tax America, which have been very lengthy on both sides, frequently filling up near a whole paper. We ha\ e had an inno\ ation here ne\ er known betbn a Drum or Rout given by the Admiral last Saturday eve- ning, which did not break up till 2 or -"> o'clock on Sunday morning, tlnir chief amusement being playing cards.

Jinn- \tli. The minds of people are greatly agitated, on account of some original letters that have been sent from London to the gen- eral Court, that were wrote some three or lour years since by the Governor .and Lieutenant Governor and Auchmuty, &c, very much to the prejudice of the province, and recommending or rather urging y'. necessity of all yl measures which have been lately taken with US : also pointing out y". absolute necessity of taking off five or six of y'. leaders in yl opposition, such as Otis, Adams. &c., enumerating their several names: without which, they say, it is impracticable to accom- plish their plans. The Lieutenant < rovernor strongly recommends (in one of his letters) his son Daniel as Secretary for yl province. Thus much has transpired respecting them, as they are enjoin'd not to be publish'd. Am almost every minute taken oil' with agreeable sight of our militia companies marching into the Common, as it is a grand field day with us; and 1 assure, were you to see 'em. you'd scarcely believe your eyes, they are so strangely metamorphos'd. From mak- ing the most despicable appearance they now vie with the best troops in his majesties sen ice, being dress'd all in blue uniforms, with drums

��* He should have said "the year before last." — Eds.

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