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arriv'd, and of consequence acquiesced with a non-importation agree- ment when propos'd aboul three or four weeks alter: but upon y". measure not being adopted by the Southern Colonies, I embrac'd the firsl opportunity and re ordered aboul one fourth pari of such goods as I thought would be most iu demand, and behold! in aboul three or four weeks after that, 1 heard of y: amazing progress the non- consumption agreement had made through y e . country ; which, in my opinion, has serv'd rather to create dissentions among ourselves than to answer any valuable purpose.

Ii- about a fortnight or three weeks since the talk of Govern- ment's taking up and sending home a number from this town, was matter of great speculation here, which caus'd much uneasiness among the mosl thinking part of the community least such a step should cause comniolions that would prove fatal to the town. At present the affair seem- to he blown over, though the high I'vlrwt]^ to Government promise themselves great things upon the arrival of the Scarborough, which is hourly expected with the two last Acts, compleated by the royal sanction.

its reported tor fact, both last evening and this morning, that a country team was stopped by y e . guards upon the Neck and riffled of two firelocks that they were carrying into the country. Certain I am that. the Governor has order'd the Keeper of the Province's Mag- azine not to deliver a kernel of powder (without, his express order) of either public or private property: which is attended with great in- convenience to the dealers in that article, as he is, for the most part of his time, at Salem, and a personal attendance i.^ necessary to procure an order.

Yesterday one Harris, a baker, with two of his apprentices, were fiu'd ten pounds sterling each by Benjamin Girdley, lately made a Justice of y: Peace, for enticing and assisting a soldier to desert, by furnishing him with cloaths and carrying him 20 miles from town in a chaise. The soldier has since returned and produc'd the above sentence, which they are to comply with in four day- or sutler three months imprisonment.

What will lie the event of these things it< impossible to say; but we promise ourselves that y® Congress will adopt such salutary meas- ures as may in y e . end prove efficacious to our relief as wtdl as bene- ficial to y: whole continent.

Before the sealing this i am inform'd that V. Governor, previous to his going out of town yesterday morning deliver'd up the keys of

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