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that never happen'd before in my remembrance) we were last nighl alarm'd with that dismal cry between eleven and twelve o'clock. It broke out in a house improv'd by Zach. .Morton, yl Baker, and others to the number of 3 or 4 families. All the men and some of the women escaped, by jumping out of the chamber windows, and going upon the top of the house and falling on to the adjacent ones, as the floors, and even the beds they lay on, were on fire before they were appriz'd of their danger: whereby three of the women and two children sutl'er'd in the flames. The bodies, or rather trunks, of two of the former and one of the latter have since been taken out, so prodigiously mutilated, that 1 shall never get the idea out of my mind the longest day I have to live. Karl Piercy sent a very polite message down and offer'd the assistance of the army (who were apprehensive, at first, of an attack and fir'd their alarm guns, putting themselves in a posture of defence upon hearing all the bells of the town ring and the noise of the engines passing) which the Firewards as genteelly declin'd, having as much assistance as they thought necessary.

The ultimate wish and desire of the high Government party is to get Samuel Adams out of the way, when they think they may accom- plish every of their plans: but however some may despise him, he lias certainly very many friends. For not long since some persons (their names unknown) sent and ask'd his permission to build him a new barn, the old one being decay'd, which was executed in a few days. A second sent to ask leave to repair his house, which was thoroughly effected soon. A third sent to beg the favor of him to call at a taylor's shop and be measur'd for a suit of eloaths and chuse his (doth, which were finish'd and sent home for his acceptance. A fourth presented him with a new whig, a fifth with a new Ilatt. a sixth with six pair of the best silk hose, a seventh with six pair of flue thread ditto, a eighth with six pair shoes, and a ninth modestly enquir'd of him whether his finances want rather low than otherways. He reply'd it was true that was the case, but lie was very indifferent about these matter-, so that his poor abilities was of any service to the Publick ; upon which the Gentlemen oblfg'd him to accept of a purse containing about 15 or 20 Johannes. I mention this to show you how much he is esteem'd here. They value him for his good sense, great abilities, amazing fortitude, noble resolution, and undaunted courage: being firm and unmov'd at all the various reports that were propagated in regard to his being taken up and sent home, notwithstanding he had repeated

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