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Qumber'd about two thousand men, who took much the same meas- ures as at Cambridge, in regard to their sheriffs, constables, &ca.

Sunday, September the Mh. They have haul'd the .Men of War close in upon the town at all quarters. Lasl evening, after holding oul against the perswasions of all his friends, Treasurer Gray re- signed, and in the morning of the same day Jonathan Simpson, with Willard of Lancaster, and indeed most of those belonging to the country — save some who are here in town, and Governor wonl lei go home, least they should be prevail'd on to comply. The Com- mander in Chief asked the Lieutenant Governor how many the moh consisted of that were before his house. He told him about four thousand, hut they were not a moh by any mean-, hut consisted of the leading men in the county and reputable substantial farmers.

As Brattle's letter has since been publish'd, with his address to the public in vindication of himself, I herewith inclose 'em. together with an acknowledgment to the public by E. Goldthwait, which I think very extraordinary from him.

Were it my wretched fate, to lead a life Without a home, much more without a \\ ife, Experience then could not but make it >>>:

Snl' mini said, alVs vanity In re In loir.

Bui were my case to be via v< rsa thus, Blest with a wife, a home, but empty purse; Then might I say, with Agur in bis prayer, A competence, Lord! give me for my share.

When blest with that, I still might crave for more, Ami not content, plead poverty as before; 'thus human nature always i- the same. One wish acquir'd yet still we wish again.

Being three days without Rutin's company, the only time of her absence since we were connected, gave rise to the firsl verse, but when in the vein my muse led me on : therefore you have it rough as it runs.

I expect my private opportunities will fail me soon, and should not chuse to put you to the expence of postage, without your special permission, though I dont think the matter I write is worth that cost, yet if I have your orders I shall endeavor to comprise as much as possible in a single sheet, with my toast in one hand, my pen in the other, and a sup of coffee (not tea) now and then.

September 5th. The alarm caus'd by the movement of the coun-


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