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Governor's. Had it not been for the prudence of two Officers that were sober, the Captain of the Main Guard would have acted a second Tragedy to the 5th March, as he was much disguis'd with Liquor and would have order'd the guard to fire on the watch had he nol been restrain'd. His name is Gore, being a Captain in the 5th or Earl Peircy's regiment. He was degraded not long since for some misdemeanour.

This afternoon there was a general squabble between the Butchers in the market and a number of Soldiers. It first began by a Soldier's tripping up the heals of a fisherman who was walking through the market with a piece of beef in his hands. A guard from the 47th Barracks appear'd and carried off the Soldiers, together with one butcher who was most active, the Officer taking him by the Collar. /A ■was able to have crush'd the officer, hut was ad\ is'd t<> lie quiet. Young Ned Gray insisted on it that he should not he carried into the guard house, upon which many hard words pass'd between him and the Cap- tain of the Guard. However Gray prevail'd, and they carried the man into Miss Foster's store close by the barracks, from whence the Officer dismiss'd him after finding upon deliberation that his conduct was not justifiable — and seem'd to he much afraid least the Butcher should take advantage of him by Law or complaint.

Sunday, January 22nd. The Officers' animosity to the watch -till rankling in their breast, induc'd two of them to go last night to the watch house again at about 10 o'clock and threaten the watch that they would bring a tile of men and blow all their brains out. The watch thereupon left their cell and shut it up. and went and enter'd a com- plaint to the Selectmen — some of whom waited on the Governor at about 12 o'clock, who was very much vex'd at the Officers' conduct, and told the Gentlemen that he had got the names of three that were con- cern'd in Fryday night's frolick, and was determin'd to treat them with the utmost severity — and likewise order'd a guard to pat role through every street in town and bring every officer to him that they should find strolling or walking.

January 23rd. A Court of enquiry is to take place this day. when its suppos'd that the Captain of the Guard at /east will he broke, for being drunk when on duty.

January 21///. In consequence of an application from a number of the inhabitants of Marshfield (who are under the influence of Hay Thomas, one of the Mandamus Councellors, ami the Win-low family. who are likewise remarkable high toriesj a number of men, drafti I

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