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like to remain. Three of us charter'd a vessel a fortnighl since to convey us to Halifax, as Sam don't think yom- city safe by any means, but the absolute refusal of the Governor to suffer any merchandize to be carried out of the town, has determin'd me to stay and take care of my effects, together with the perswasion of Sam. and his wife and I'uthy — the latter being perfectly willing and desirous of going with- out me, as her peace of mind depends entirely upon her leaving the town: in consequence of which, have acquiesc'd, but am affraid it will be a long time before I shall see her again, it' ever. Near half the inhabitants have left the town already, and another quarter, at least, have been waiting for a week past, with earnest expectation of geting papers, which have been dealt out very sparingly of late, not above two or three procur'd of a day. and those with the greatest difficulty. Its a fortnight yesterday since the communication between the town and country was stop'd. Of consequence our eyes have not been bless'd with either vegetables or fresh provisions, how long we shall continue in this wretched state — God only knows — but that no more blood may be shed is the earnest wish and prayer of your affectionate friend.

P. S. I expect to bid farewell to Sam. and his wife and Ruthy, tomorrow or Sunday, but I hope not an eternal farewell. You can have no conception, Bill., of the distresses the people in general are involv'd in. You'll see parents that are lucky enough to procure papers, with bundles in one hand and a string of children in the other. wandering out of the town (with only a sufferance of one day's permis- sion) not knowing whither they'll go. Such, Bill., are hut feint emblems of the distresses that seem to threaten us, which I hope the Almighty God, in his infinite wisdom, will avert. Your uncle Joe has engag'd a passage for London, at the expence of one hundred Guineas for himself and wife, to expedite her sailing without waiting for freight. Batch, brother Joe and his wife, Jno. Amory, cVca.. &ca., go in her. Your uncle and aunt are very desirous for us, hut my finances wont, at present, admit of it, as my whole interest, saving outstanding debts, is in town and cant be remov'd. If the lines should he attack'd, as some are apprehensive of, farewell to life and property. — You must know, that no person who leaves the town is allow'd to return again, and this morning an order from the Governor has put a stop to any more- papers at any rate, not even to admit those to go who have procur'd 'em already.

June 1st. Its possible Samuel may have wrote you from the coun-

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